Centrix R38 Release Notes

Centrix R38 Release Notes

Release VersionCentrix R38
Release Date (Staging)27 April 2015
Release Date (Production)23 April 2015
  • NR/SIN/137 improvements / finalisation
  • Analogue graph locking
  • New RDAQ loggers now visible to site admins
  • Restored visibility of alert e-mail recipients
  • Fixes to RDAQ loggers user interface


NR/SIN/137 improvements

Applicable to Network Rail users only.

As you may be aware, special inspection notice 137 has now been formally issued. Centrix has now been updated with the final spreadsheet provided in the SIN (Appendix C). In addition to updating the report spreadsheet, we have added additional fields to make completing the spreadsheet even easier;

  • The Sequence Timing Report now has a report type selector; Basic or NR/SIN/137
  • Selecting the NR/SIN/137 type will enable additional fields for the report;

    Crossing NameThe name of the crossing as you want it to appear in the report (defaults to Centrix site name)
    ELREngineers line reference (used to populate file name)
    Line NameThe name of the line the crossing is on (including direction)
    Crossing TypeThe type of crossing
    DirectionThe direction(s) of travel this report covers
    RouteThe name of the route this crossing belongs to (used to populate file name)
  • Centrix will auto-populate all the required fields within the report (excluding additional comments), so in most cases you don't have to edit the spreadsheet after generation.
  • The file name of the spreadsheet will be generated based on the fields supplied in the report and confirms to the file-naming convention supplied within the SIN.
  • The raw data is now also copied into a 4th tab on the report for manual inspection where required.



Analogue graph locking

It was a common occurrence that a user configured a graph for a specific ongoing usage, then another user alters that graph for an ad-hoc inspection. Because the graphs are saved immediately after change, when the original user returns to the site the graph will now have been altered away from their initial configuration. To combat this issue, we have now added a lock function to graphs to make them read-only for other users. 

You can now lock a graph for editing after you've configured it how you like it.

  • Once a graph is locked it can only be edited by the owner
  • Site admins can unlock a graph for editing

To edit an existing graph that you do not own, you can;

  • Unlock the graph (if you're a site admin)
  • Request the owner (or a site admin) to unlock the graph
  • Make a copy* of the graph that you will then own and can edit (and lock for further editing if you wish)

*Copying graphs is a new feature that has been added to ensure that users can quickly enhance any "templates" created by other users without having to make unlock requests.

Existing graphs will not have an owner. In order to take ownership, create a copy and remove the original graph.


RDAQ loggers improvements & fixes

New logger commissioning / upgrading from pull

Prior to this release, it was not possible to see if a new RDAQ (SA380 push) logger was successfully connected to Centrix after commissioning. This will release will allow users with Site Admin privileges to see the status of loggers that have not yet been assigned to a site.

The loggers in this state are simply read only to allow the installer to confirm successful connection to Centrix. To fully enable the logger and assign to a Centrix site, a request should be made to your MPEC support contact.


Access to the logger syslog viewer was restricted only to system admins and caused other users to be logged out when attempting to access. This restriction has now been fixed.


Alert e-mail recipients

The previous release of Centrix changed the way e-mails were sent for alerts; instead of including all recipients in a single e-mail it sent one e-mail per recipient. This meant that users could no longer easily see who else received the e-mail alert.

We have reverted this change so you will again be able to see all the other recipients when you receive an alert e-mail.


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