Centrix R99 Release Notes

Centrix R99 Release Notes

Release Version

Centrix R99

Release Date (Staging)

Feb 19, 2021

Release Date (Production)

Feb 22, 2021



Legacy Adobe Flash Player based pages removed

The legacy components that made use of Adobe Flash Player have been removed from Centrix and are no longer accessible. This affects the legacy playback and designer pages, there have been replacements for these for the last few releases. As a result, the “legacy” buttons previously available in playback and designer have been removed.

Change of button style and layout

The button style used on many pages has been updated to make better use of the space available and provide a more consistent style. The old style can be seen on the left and the updated one on the right.

This affects the following sets of pages:

  • Alarm view/edit.

  • Site view/edit.

  • Report creation.

  • Asset edit.

  • Channel view / edit.

  • User Admin (Users, Groups, Roles).

  • Bookmark view/edit.

  • Maintenance window view/edit.

Map Designer

Continuing the theme of recent releases we have delivered a few more enhancements to the map designer.

Text indications can now be added to playback

Text indications can now be added to the playback map in a similar way to analogue indications. They will show the value of the latest text event at the current playback time. This can be useful for information such as train describer (TD) berths. See the more detailed documentation for this new feature in the documentation for the Map Designer | MapDesigner TextIndication

The example below shows TD berth data being displayed on the playback map using the new text indications.

Draggable grab points are shown when an object is selected

When a single object is selected the grab points are now shown which make it easier to see where the object can be resized from.

This only applies to objects that can be resized:

  • Track Circuits & Route Lights

  • Points

  • Platforms

  • Custom Images

Resize cursor for resizable elements

To make it easier to see the action that will occur when dragging, the mouse cursor now changes to arrow relative to the direction an object can be dragged in. The animation below shows the “hand” cursor when dragging the object, the “diagonal arrow” when resizing the middle leg and the “horizontal arrow” when resizing the other legs.

Platforms and Custom Images are now resizable from the sides

Additional grab points have been added to both platforms and custom images to make them easier to resize.

Channel type icons added to the channel list

With the addition of text channel support to the designer the channel list now shows up to three types of channels. To make it easier to identify them an icon has been added on the left of each channel to indicate the channel type.


List of actions when viewing a site has been made into a consistent list style

The actions button have been restyled to a list which is consistent with other pages in Centrix.


Link to Events, Bookmarks and Maintenance Widows from the site view page

Additional buttons have been added to the site page that link to events, bookmarks and maintenance windows associated with the site.


Ability to “pause” virtual loggers

Virtual loggers are a way to integrate data from 3rd party systems into Centrix. They now support the “pause” operation to temporarily suspend the incoming data.

Added “status” and “last contact” to virtual loggers

Virtual loggers now show a status to indicate what they are doing. The “idle” state indicate the logger is waiting for data, the “active” state indicate that the logger is currently reading data or has been very recently and the “paused” state indicate the logger is currently paused and now new data will be imported until the logger is “unpaused”.

The “last contact” information is similar to other loggers, it shows the time relative to now when the logger laset imported data.

Added “log messages” to virtual loggers

Virtual loggers now display log messages to indicate when data is being imported and a breakdown of the types of events. The log messages will also show other events such as pausing and deleting by the user.


Alarm Raise Count report can now be run with Alarm Labels

The “Alarm Raise Count” report now has an additional filter for “Alarm Labels”. This makes it easy to run the report for alarms that may be spread out across many sites if they share the same alarm label. If both the “Sites” and “Alarm Labels” filters are used together then the alarm will need to match both filters for it to be included.


Debounce period added to analogue level alarm

The analogue level alarm allows an alarm to be raised when an analogue value is received which exceeds a custom threshold. The alarm’s threshold now includes a debounce period, which determines how long the threshold must be exceeded for before the alarm is raised.

For example, the alarm below would only be raised if a value above 100 was received and a value below 100 was not received within 2 hours. If a value below 100 was received before the 2 hour debounce period expired then the alarm would not be raised.

Please note that if you do not wish to use a debounce period then simply leave the value as zero.

Manual toggle page updated to new style list

The manual toggle list has been updated to the new list style. All of the colours and icons are unchanged and the action buttons can be found inside the dropdown menu at the right end of the row. The new style list also has additional functionality to “select all on page” which can help when bulk confirming alarms as clear/fault.


Link of assets and alarms

Improved linking of assets to alarms, they are now shown on the alarm “edit” and alarm “raise” pages.
The assets can be linked either by the alarms selected channels or selected asset.


Camlin PMS2 Asset

A new asset has been added for the monitoring of Camlin PMS2 devices.

To configure the asset you can select the “alarm” and “status” channels from the site. These channels are provided by a “virtual logger” integration that Mpec can configure on your site.

Navigate by event

The asset page time navigation now includes the ability to navigate by event, although this feature is currently only on Camlin PMS2 assets. Both the Alarm and Status channel’s events are used for navigation.

Current Status and Alarm events

The Camlin PMS2 asset playback page shows the most recent status and alarm events. The status event is parsed and displayed as a diagram, the information from the most recent alarm event is show in a table below.

HPSS Asset

A new asset type has been added for “HPSS” points machines. At the moment there is no new functionality compared to “Electrically Actuated Points” but they are a placeholder for future features that are going to be added.

Maintenance Windows

Currently active maintenance windows are shown on the asset “Playback” tab

If there are any active maintenance windows setup that affect an asset they will be shown on the “playback” tab when viewing the asset.

Link to maintenance widows from the asset “edit” page

An additional button has been added to the asset “edit” page that links to maintenance windows that affect the asset.

Maintenance windows are now shown on the asset “alarm” tab

A new section has been added to the “alarm” tab on the asset page. It shows all maintenance windows that affect the asset.

Active maintenance windows are shown on playback

Site playback now checks for active maintenance windows at the selected time. The link will navigate to the individual maintenance window or the maintenance window list if there are multiple active maintenance windows.

Minor amendments and fixed issues

  • The “Loggers” button on playback now shows loggers when they have special characters in their name.

  • Correct daylight saving issue with Bookmarks.

  • When creating an alarm, the site from the list is now pre-populated.

  • Virtual channels did not show an accurate list of loggers.

  • Fix issue which caused an item to be missing between pages on the “Inspect > Captures” graph page.

  • Channel page now shows all channel types by default (previously “Info” and “Text” channels were not included in the default filter).

  • Copying and pasting captions in the designer would cause the new caption to be misaligned against existing captions.

  • Fixed issue where the most recent trace was missing on the points asset playback page.

  • Fixed bug related to track circuit flick alarm when processing events from RDAQ loggers.

Addendum 99.1 Hotfix Release

  • Resolved issue related to unexpected alarm raises on analogue level alarms when a debounce is set.

  • Resolved permission issue related to actions on the “Manual Toggles” list.

  • Deleted manual toggle alarms were being shown on the “Manual Toggles” list.

Addendum 99.2 Hotfix Release

  • Resolve permission issue related to showing the footer on the “Manual Toggles” list when in selection mode.

Addendum 99.3 Hotfix Release

Resolve specific issues related to the points alarm wizard:

  • Existing points alarms for assets were not always being loaded which caused a new alarm to be created when saving.

  • The name, severity and suppression period for existing alarms was not being displayed.

  • The name, severity, suppression period and emails are now retained for existing alarms rather than being overwritten by the wizard settings.

  • When multiple points existing alarms exist for an asset, the most recently calibrated alarm is chosen to be updated, previously it was random.


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