Centrix R89 Release Notes
Alarms linked to assets
Some alarms can be linked to assets. There are several advantages in linking Alarms to an Asset. These include:
- Richer information can be displayed on alarm raise pages. If the alarm is aware of the asset, it can be aware of other related channels
- Quicker to set up an alarm - select an asset and it will auto detect the required channels for the alarm
- A user can view how many total alarm raises there have been for an asset. This will give Centrix more knowledge and help it build an overall Health value for an asset.
The following alarms have now been linked to assets:
- Points
- Points Flick
- Possible SPAD
- Signal Reversion
- Track Circuit Flick
Creating an Alarm by using an Asset:
Creating an alarm by selecting a set and then manually selecting the channels:
Signal Assets have new channels
Signal, 2/3 Aspect Signal and 4 Aspect Signal assets now have an approach track circuit relay and an away track circuit relay.
The two new channels are optional. Populating them allows the Possible SPAD and Signal Reversion alarms to be created using the new asset workflow.
Ebi Track 400 Asset Page Improvements
The Ebi Track 400 Receiver Asset Playback page shows a list of 'current values' at the bottom of the page. This is a list of the most recently received events for each channel.
This page now also shows the time that these events were received.
It shows this time as an absolute time and also as a time relative to the time selected at the top of the asset playback page.
Sandbox Asset
We have created a new Asset Type: A 'Sandbox Asset'.
By grouping channels together into an Asset, Centrix can retrieve related data more easily and apply more detailed analysis on the data because it has been told what the data is related to.
For example, by creating a Points Asset, Centrix can show the user Points Machine related graphs to help them analyse the current health of the machine. It also tags Capture Traces and excludes traces tagged with "Maintenance" from the Points Alarm Wizard.
A Sandbox Asset does not do any of this clever extra work. It is a way to quickly group any number of channels together.
This may be used experimentally as a pre cursor to a new Asset Type being made.
Other assets only allow a single channel to be selected per channel type (e.g. Track Relay, IAVE channel etc.). A sandbox Asset allows you to select any number of channels for each main channel type (Analogue, Digital and Capture).