Centrix R100 Release Notes

Centrix R100 Release Notes

Release Version

Centrix R100

Release Date (Staging)

May 5, 2021

Release Date (Production)

May 6, 2021




The alarm system in Centrix has undergone some restructuring to make it easier to develop new alarm types going forward. Most of these changes are behind the scenes so there are not many differences from the user’s point of view at the moment. One change that may be apparent is that creating the following alarm types now require an asset to exist:

  • Points (Points Asset)

  • Points Flick (Points Asset)

  • Possible SPAD (Signal Asset)

  • Signal Reversion (Signal Asset)

  • Track Circuit (DC Track Circuit Asset)

  • Track Circuit (Audio Frequency) (AF Track Circuit Asset or Ebi Track 400 Receiver Asset)

  • Track Circuit (HVI Track Occupation) (HVI Track Circuit Asset)

  • Track Circuit Flick (Points Asset or Track Circuit Asset)

Previously it was possible to just select a channel but they now require an asset to exist. As part of this release, any existing alarms which now require an asset have either been linked to an existing asset or a new asset has been automatically generated. This means you may now see some additional assets with the suffix [Generated for Alarm].

Customisable parameters for HVI Track Occupation Alarms

Previously, several thresholds used by the HVI Track Occupation alarm were fixed and unable to be adjusted by the user. This caused problems for some specific assets where the typical behaviour deviated slightly due to various factors such as proximity to station platforms and differing track configurations. These parameters have now been exposed to the alarm management page and can be tweaked on a per-alarm basis.


Camlin PMS2 asset feeds and switches now support user provided names

Custom names can now be provided for the Camlin PMS2 asset for each of the feeds and switches. When creating or editing the asset there are now 5 extra fields which allow you to provide a comma-separated list of names. The first value will be used as the name of the feed and any subsequent values will be used as names for the switches.

You can see in the screenshot below that the first feed and first two switches now have custom names. If there are more switches than provided names then the additional ones will use the default names as before.

Sandbox asset now supports text channels

Text channels can now be added to the “sandbox” asset:

The asset “playback” page will also show the current state of the text channel along with a list of events.


Analogue and text indications can show data from other sites

When adding a new “analogue” or “text” indication in the designer it is now possible to select a channel from a different site that you have access to.

If other users that have access to the site do not have permission to view the site that the indication is from they will not see the name or value in playback.

Playback will now also show which site an analogue or text indication belongs to in the tooltip when hovering over them in playback.


Note: There are no “analogue” or “text” events lists in playback like there is for digital events, the latest value is loaded on demand based on the current playback time and shown on the map.


Item selectors for channels now indicate if they are virtual, internal or archived

This information was only shown on the channel list page but has been added to the item selectors wherever a channel selection is required.

The meaning of each of the states is explained below:

  • Virtual - these are channels that have a virtual channel expression associated with them and are used to hold the output of the expression.

  • Internal - these are channels created automatically by Centrix for specific purposes such as the “time offset” calculation channel for RDAQ loggers.

  • Archived - these are channels that have been archived, either automatically or by a user as they are no longer in use. Archived channels are not available for selection in many places.


Site selector now shows the control area

The site selection dialog search field filters based on the site name and the control area. Previously only the site name was displayed in the results list making it confusing why some results were listed, the control area has now been added to make this clearer.


Round trip time calculation on RDAQ loggers

RDAQ loggers which support the “time broadcast” commands will now also have the round trip time (RTT) calculated by Centrix based on the average latency when communicating with the logger. This can be seen in the log output below.

The round trip time channel RTT Average can also be plotted on a graph to observe changes over time. Future logger firmware versions will also start using this information to adjust the clock and provide more accurate time synchronisation.


Minor amendments and fixed issues

  • Improved performance when loading the system dashboard.

  • Virtual loggers were not included in “total” or “connected” counts on the dashboard.

  • Buttons on the virtual logger page were shown to users who didn’t have the permissions to use them.

  • Email validation has been enhanced to capture incomplete addresses such as “user@domain” (rather than user@domain.com).

  • Channels with long names and no spaces did not display correctly on the channel create/edit page.

  • Channels with long names did not fit into the inspect graph channel list correctly.

  • Channels with long names caused the “UP to DN” and “DN to UP” to be obscured in playback.

  • The raw values for time offset calculations from RDAQ loggers are now stored (all values were previously stored as positive).

  • The TFM graphic was not showing correctly in playback or designer.

  • The duplicate graph button was not working.

  • Saving a graph would sometimes not work.

Addendum 100.1 Hotfix Release

  • Points alarm wizard was not saving the generated thresholds.

Addendum 100.2 Hotfix Release

  • When viewing a points alarm raise the “Inspect Capture” button redirects to the “Inspect Capture” page but the page did not load the historic traces correctly.

  • Points alarm wizard was not saving user-overridden thresholds.

  • Some generated points assets as part of the alarm migration had the incorrect channel type specified for the track relay on the asset.

  • Error when processing the signal reversion alarms in some cases.


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