Centrix R90 Release Notes

Centrix R90 Release Notes

Release VersionCentrix R90
Release Date (Staging)


Release Date (Production)



Track Circuit Occupations

Track Circuit Occupations shown on Threshold Graphs

Centrix stores analogue events for the electric current for DC Track Circuits and average current for Audio Frequency Track Circuits.

Each of these occupations (clear - occupied - clear / high current - low current - high current) can be considered as an occupation event.

If analogue channels are associated to the relevant Track Circuit Assets, then Centrix can now analyse the incoming data to try and locate these occupation events.

This allows Centrix to show these occupations graphically on the Alarm Thresholds graph that already exists on the asset and alarm raise pages.

The 'Typical Behaviour' line shows the average clear and occupied values over the last 30 days. Overlayed on top of this is a specific occupation event.

If an asset / alarm raise has no track circuit occupations (e.g. alarm associated with a channel not an asset), then this typical behaviour graph reverts to its old behaviour where it shows only the typical minimum and maximum values and plots them against the alarm thresholds. The dashed line shows the most recent value.

Creating occupation events will allow Centrix to show high level information about Track Circuit Assets such as the number of occupations in the last time period (week / month / year etc.) and how many alarms have been raised as a fraction of total occupations in the last time period. They will also be able to be used to create track circuit alarms on these analogue channels.

Note: a track circuit flick will be considered as an individual occupation. Therefore, an occupation with multiple flicks will actually be shown as multiple occupations. In the future this will make setting up Track Circuit Flick alarms against these analogue channels very straightforward.

For more details, see here.

Enabling Identification of Occupations

To enable track circuit occupation identification for a DC or Audio Frequency Track Circuit Asset, check the "Enable Identification of Occupations" checkbox and save the Asset.