Centrix R71 Release Notes

Centrix R71 Release Notes

Release Version

Centrix R71

Release Date (Staging)


Release Date (Production)



  • Event counters

  • Health dashboards

  • Manual toggle alarms

  • Reporting enhancements

  • Other minor changes

  • Bug fixes


Event counters

Event counters are a new feature that allow events on analogue and digital channels to be counted based on configured conditions. These can be used for a wide range of use cases such as counting track occupations, barrier raises, points operations etc.

See Event Counters for more detail and user guide.

Health dashboards

This Centrix release introduces the Health Dashboards feature. This is currently undergoing BETA testing with select customers, however we are introducing the concept in this release to gather feedback.

Health Dashboards provides an aggregated view across as many sites/assets as desired, grouped into collections of red-amber-green ("RAG") indicators. The dashboards are flexible as to how you group the indications, and the number of conditions that are attached to a single RAG indication.

See Health Dashboards (Legacy) for more detail and user guide.

Manual toggle alarms

This release of Centrix introduces the Manual Toggle feature.

Manual Toggle is a type of Centrix alarm used to report status of assets that are not monitored by RCM. They are not attached to any logic within Centrix, but can have their state changed manually between FAULT and OK according to external checks.