Centrix R75 Release Notes

Centrix R75 Release Notes

Release VersionCentrix R75
Release Date (Staging)


Release Date (Production)




New points alarm wizard

The Points Alarm Wizard has been completely re-worked in this release.

Significant changes have been made to both the configuration process and the algorithm/mathematics used to train the alarm thresholds.

Simple, automatic process

Previously, a lot of user input could be required to remove bad data and select the desired thresholds.

Now, the wizard makes sensible choices to configure the most relevant/useful threshold conditions and remove anomalous data.

The wizard will automatically configure the following upper thresholds for each asset and swing direction;

  • Average Value
  • Duration
  • Peak (Split) - see "Intelligent peak thresholding" below

Automatic data selection

The alarm wizard will automatically use recent data to train the alarm thresholds. There is no longer any need to provide a custom date range.

Data within maintenance windows will be removed automatically.

Bulk alarm calibration

The previous points alarm wizard provided functionality to train and configure one channel at a time. This could result in a lengthy process each time the alarm needed calibrating.

Now, you can select multiple assets to configure alarms for and they can all be configured in 2 simple steps.

Asset-driven data model

Using assets, the points alarm wizard now knows the types of points being configured. Based on this, the algorithm and thresholds are tuned specifically for the asset type being used.

Future enhancements of the asset domain will provide even more tuning of alarms and visualisation of performance data between comparable assets.

Intelligent peak thresholding

Previously, to alarm on the peak value for either Pressure or Motor Current traces, you would need to create an Episode that included the region for inspection.

Now, the training and processing algorithms will automatically;

  • Exclude in-rush current for motor traces, or
  • Include the movement (middle) region for pressure traces

So there is no need to configure episodes for your assets, unless you want to create manual threshold alarms on assets that don't fit the above model.

User guide

User guide is available here; Points Alarm Wizard.