Centrix R29 Release Notes

Centrix R29 Release Notes

Release VersionCentrix R29
Release Date (Staging)TBC
Release Date (Production)22 October 2014
  • Improved asset generation for repeat relay functions
  • New logger contact alert type to detect loss of contact with a logger


Logger Contact Alert

A much requested feature is to be alerted when a logger hasn't been successfully contacted by Centrix for a given period of time (loss of comms). This feature is now available in the Alerts section of the system.

  • Access the Alerts section of the system
  • Click the Add button in the bottom left
  • Select Logger Contact (Comms) and click Create Alert
  • Enter a name for the alert (e.g. "24H No Comms")
  • It is recommended the suppression period is set fairly high to avoid being notified constantly for the same site (e.g. 24 Hours)
  • Set the maximum contact interval (this is the maximum amount of time you want to allow between logger contact before you are sent an alert)
  • Click OK

The site name, logger name and the name you specify on the alert will be provided in the e-mail alert. This should allow you to investigate the issue further.

Improved Asset Generation Algorithms

The algorithms used to generate assets on maps have been improved to consider a wider selection of channel name candidates. This should reduce the amount of manual asset creation required when producing a new map. The new candidates are highlighted in red below:

  • Track Circuits will be generated from channels containing: TK, TR, TPR, T?PR,TP?R
  • Points will be generated from channels containing: NWK, NWKR, NWKPR, NWK?PR, NKR, NKPR, NK?PR, NKP?R, RWK, RWKR, RWKPR, RWK?PR, RKR, RKPR, RK?PR, RKP?R, AUK, BUK

A test on one site resulted in 60% more assets being generated automatically compared to the previous algorithms.

Other Features / Bug Fixes

  • Dialled logger state timeouts can now be configured per logger (system admin function)


JIRA Issues Resolved

key summary type created reporter status

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

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