SA380TX - Firmware Upgrade from .UPG files using a USB Drive
Having Trouble?
If you're having trouble with upgrading firmware, please do not hesitate to Contact Mpec.
You will need the smallest USB flash drive you can get, about 1–2 GB. Note larger drives may not function correctly with the logger.
- Make sure the USB flash drive is FAT formatted (Format with Windows) and empty.
- Download the appropriate upg firmware package from
Which Firmware Do I Need?
If you are unsure which firmware version you require, please consult the following guidance SA380TX Firmware Upgrade Support
- Copy the .upg file to the root folder to the USB flash drive.
- Insert the USB flash drive into the SA380TX logger.
- Navigate to Superuser config dialog on the logger's touch-screen (by entering 62009 at the "enter passcode" prompt).
- Press Update firmware button.
- Confirm the copy process succeeded.
- Press Save & restart button.
- Wait for logger to restart and confirm new firmware version in the About screen.
- Eject USB flash disk on the touch-screen
Upgrading Multiple Loggers?
The SA380TX will remove the firmware from the USB disk as part of the process. Step 3 above must be repeated for each upgrade.
Detailed Instructions
1. Prepare a USB flash drive
Make sure the USB flash drive is FAT formatted and empty:
Right click on USBSTICK and select format from the pop-up menu:
2. Download firmware
Visit to download the appropriate firmware package, if you have not already done so.
This instructions on this page are written for firmware packages having UPG package for dUpgrade and USB disk in their description.
Unsure which package to download? Check the guide found here.
3. Copy UPG file to USB flash drive
Open your browsers downloads folder and copy the upg file to the root directory of your USB drive.
Eject the USB flash drive from your PC.
4. Insert the USB flash drive into the logger
5. Navigate to Superuser config
Note the "Change USB disk" button will become active on the main dialog when the SA380TX recognises that a USB disk has been inserted!
Navigate to Menu→Configuration and enter 62009:
6. Update firmware
7. Confirm copy succeeded
Please be patient - It may take up to 2 minutes for the copy operation to complete and the text to appear in the box highlighted below.
8. Save and restart
If the logger doesn't automatically restart at this stage, a manual restart should be performed by selecting "Shut down" in the options menu.
9. Confirm new version
Navigate to the "About" dialog.