Centrix R101 Release Notes

Centrix R101 Release Notes

Release Version

Centrix R101

Release Date (Staging)

Jun 30, 2021

Release Date (Production)

Jul 1, 2021


Hy-drive Asset

A new asset type has been added for Hy-drive points machines. At the moment there is no new functionality compared to “Hydraulically Actuated Points” but they can have two motor current and hydraulic pressure channels.

The Hy-drive points asset has the same playback page as the other points assets but it also has a capture channel selector for any Hy-drive asset with two hydraulic pressure channels.



The Camlin PMS2 alarm is assigned to a Camlin PMS2 asset and is triggered by camlin alarm events.
To configure the alarm camlin alarm codes which are to be ignored can be selected.


State Transitions Report

Total number of transitions value is now present in the State Transition Counts Report summary table.


Reed Track Circuit Tags And Alarms

Reed Tracks will now generate tags for any anomalous occupations that are detected. The parameters that determine acceptable limits for a good occupation can be configured from the Asset View.


Min Occupation Duration: The minimum duration for a good occupation.

Max Occupation Duration: The maximum duration for a good occupation.

Max Sample % Above Occupied: The maximum amount of time (as a percentage of the whole occupation) that current is allowed to be above the high occupation threshold in a good occupation.

Max State Transitions: The maximum number of times the current can fluctuate above the high occupation threshold in a good occupation.


An new alarm type 'Track Occupation Tag' has been created. This alarm will keep a running score which is incremented if an anomalous occupation is detected and decremented if a good occupation is detected. If the score exceeds the threshold than an alarm is raised. The score is output to a dedicated analogue channel each time it is updated and it is possible to view the changes over time from the channel graphs view. The alarm parameters are configurable from the Alarm View.

Alarm Threshold: The score above which an alarm will be raised.

Good Occupation Weight: The amount to decrement the score by when a good occupation is detected.

Anomalous Occupation Weight: The amount to increment the score by when an anomalous occupation is detected.

Threshold Saturation %: The maximum value the score will rise to as a percentage of the Alarm Threshold. N.B. The minimum value of the score will fall to is zero.

Minor amendments and fixed issues

  • Disabled users are now displayed with a grey icon and a “DISABLED” label next to the username.

  • Improved dynamic font sizing of Health Dashboard items.

  • Alarm wizard, the selected severity was not being saved against the generated alarms.

  • Improved HVI Track Occupation alarm raise messages.

  • Selecting “Site” or “Last Calibration Time“ filter options were producing error on the Alarm Status and Alarm Management pages.

  • Logger Contact Alarm support added for Virtual Loggers

  • When clicking on a Digital, Analogue or Text indication in Playback the Channel page opens in a new tab. From here the user can navigate to the Loggers Page, the Events pages etc.

Addendum 101.1 Hotfix Release

  • Removed permission from the “Site Admin” role related to licences.

Addendum 101.2 Hotfix Release

  • Resolve issue which stopped the health dashboard from automatically refreshing.

  • Resolve issue showing alarm raises in playback when a site had deleted alarms.

Addendum 101.3 Hotfix Release

  • Resolve issue related to heath dashboard layout and editing.

Addendum 101.4 Hotfix Release

  • Adjustment to thresholds used for generating HVI Track occupations to reduce false alarm rate.

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