EbiTrack® Monitoring

EbiTrack® Monitoring

Wiring up EbiTrack Units for Monitoring

Up to six EbiTrack units may be monitored using a single SA380TX using a multidrop RS485 network.

Configure the network as shown below using twisted pair cable. Note the use of termination resistors at each end of the link.


The EbiTrack units’ RS485 interface utilises a 9-pin D-sub connector. The connector must be wired as follows:

  • Pin 1: RS485 Mode Select (Connect to Pin 9)
  • Pin 2: Signal Pair (Connect to RS485 line B)
  • Pin 6: Signal Pair (Connect to RS485 line A)
  • Pin 9: 5V DC (Connect to Pin 1)

Setting Up a new EbiTrack Unit

Navigate to the EbiTrack overview screen by cycling through the various summary display screens:



The EbiTrack overview screen is shown below without any EbiTrack units configured.

To configure a unit, first press upon one of the six squares.



This will display the “Real-Time” data display for the selected EbiTrack unit. As the unit is not yet configured this display is blank.

Press the configuration button.


You will be prompted to enter a password (see main user guide) before being permitted to view the EbiTrack configuration screen.

Once the configuration screen is displayed, follow the data entry instructions below.

Removing an Existing EbiTrack Unit

Navigate to the EbiTrack configuration screen of the EbiTrack unit you wish to remove by following the steps listed in “Setting Up a New EbiTrack Unit”.

Once the configuration screen is displayed follow the instructions below.


Viewing Data on the Touch Screen

Navigate to the EbiTrack overview screen by cycling through the various summary display screens:



The EbiTrack overview screen displays important parameters of monitored EbiTrack units at a glance.


Pressing on a configured EbiTrack Unit will show the “real-time” data display for that unit.


This screen shows many more operational parameters of the EbiTrack Unit.


Viewing Data Remotely

Data files can be viewed remotely from the SA380TX by either establishing a network connection to the SA380TX,

or retrieving data files using a USB memory disk device. Both practices are detailed in the main user guide.

EbiTrack data is to be found within each of the “day” folders of the SA380TX file system.

The system log messages can be found in the root folder for each day.

Analogue data is to be found within the “acqchg” folder found in each “day” folder.

Each analogue data channel for each EbiTrack unit has a separate file.














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