Raw Digital Events

Raw Digital Events

The Raw Digital Events report is designed to provide you with the capability of listing all digital events for a site for a given period. This will simulate joining multiple hour files from a data logger into a single report to save the effort of navigating through multiple files.

Generating a Report

Type the name of the site you want to run the report for under the Site label.

Select the Date Range you want to run the report for. You can select a pre-configured date range (e.g. Yesterday, This Week), or select Custom to enter a From and To date for the report.

You can exclude Up > Dn or Dn > Up events by unchecking the options.

Tick the State Events check box to include initial states sent by the data logger (these are generally sent every hour or when the logger is powered up).

Tick the Transition Events check box to include state transitions (e.g. Up > Dn, Dn > Up) sent by the data logger.

If you want to run the report for all monitored input channels, press the Add All button under the Channels label. If you only want to run the report for a subset of channels then you can type the channel name and click Add to include that channel. Repeat this until you have included all the channels you want to report on.

Click Run Report to generate the report.

Once you have generated the report, the results should appear on the right hand side with the following columns;

Reading the Report

SiteThe name of the site the event is for
ChannelThe channel of the event
Unix TimeThe time the event occurred (Unix Timestamp, ms)
DateThe time the event occurred (in logger local time)
State Event

Was this event an initial state event (not a transition)?
Y = Yes | N = No 

Up/DnState of the channel


The report can be exported in CSV format by clicking the blue Download .CSV button at the top of the grid.

You can open the CSV in Microsoft Excel (or equivalent package) for further editing / manipulation.


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