Linlog Legacy Release Notes

Linlog Legacy Release Notes



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Release #462

New Features


The S-LX is now capable of monitoring S2 TDM systems. Configuration is performed using the existing Centrix mechanism. For new installations, MPEC will generate the configuration automatically using a provided *.cfg file. These files normally have the following header:

* S2 Logged Data Viewer II Configuration File Version 0.2
* =======================================================

Digital event data is reported to centrix as normal. The S2 logger will also provide a pseudo digital indication to show connection status, this will be labelled "Connected:S2TDM". It can be used as either a simple status indication or to generate Centrix alarms as appropriate.


The data link connected to the logging computer can be monitored. This allows the S-LX to collect all transitions reported and send them to Centrix. These can be viewed in the replay screen as normal.

We provide a pseudo digital indication called "VHLC Link Idle" which can be used to determine whether the data logger has received any data within the previous 5 minutes. This is active high (i.e. high when the link is idle). The device is factory configured to enable the VHLC application and will "learn" the indications automatically from the serial data link.

SSI Data Link Monitoring

We have encountered locations where multiple SSI Data links are configured with the same Ident in a given location. Until now, these could not be combined onto a single Centrix site due to overlapping channel names. These duplicate names can now be prefixed to remove this restriction.

Release #398

SSI Data Logging

Data from an SSI can be reported to Centrix. The following screenshots are taken from Centrix to illustrate the main features. Please be aware that Centrix is a continually evolving platform and the screenshots below may not be up-to-date.

Logging of SSI based digital data

This can be used to either replace or augment existing relay based data capture:

The "Data Link Connected" indications are used to determine whether the data logger can see the respective link. To reduce data volumes, the logger will only report digital data from one of the two links (in normal operation, the two should be identical); in the example above, digital data is being reported from the (A) link.

SSI Status bit recording

Each TFM will respond to the controller with a set of status bits. These are reported to Centrix as below:

TFM reply statistical reporting

The data logger will calculate the percentage success rate for a given TFM's responses. These are reported as the percentage of successful responses over a ten minute window.

Remote Configuration

The data logger's configuration can be managed using Centrix. This functionality is available from the loggers page within Centrix:

Please note that this feature is currently restricted to specific users. MPEC will configure the SSI data loggers at the factory before shipping.

Remote Firmware Upgrade

The loggers are capable of having firmware remotely upgraded using Centrix. This functionality is available from the loggers page within Centrix:

Please note that this feature is currently restricted to specific users.

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