VTi21 Global Release #61

VTi21 Global Release #61

Firmware Status


Release Date: 09/05/19

Overview of Changes

VariantNew VersionChanged
Reed Relay0.1.2Yes


Clock Overflow Fix

  • After running for approximately 30 consecutive days, the VTi21 internal time-reference can overflow in software. This causes data to no longer report on the RS485 interface. The 4-20 mA interface is not affected.
  • This fix handles the event of clock over-flow correctly. The VTi21 continues to report data over RS485 in this scenario.
  • This issue affects all audio frequency variants of VTi21

Before the fix:


Clock Overflow Fix

  • Please see Aster release notes

Reed Relay

Clock Overflow Fix

  • Please see Aster release notes

Removed RS485 glitch upon restart.

  • When the VTi21 suffers a reboot for any reason, the RS485 output would "glitch" and give false output due the signal processing chain not being fully primed due to the restart. RS485 output is now suspended until the signal processing chain is fully primed upon restart, ensuring the validity of data output. Re-calibration signals will still be observed during restart on 4-20 mA output, as this is unavoidable


User Guide Changes

The user guide has been over-hauled to reflect the following changes:

  • Special notice about the suitability of VTi21 for monitoring vane relay variants other than VT1
  • Additional guidance surrounding fitment of current transducers where two cables are terminated at the control or local relay coil contact.
  • Corrections regarding sensor calibration range. Torque sensor output is +/-25 mNm-1 on the 4-20mA output.

RS485 Acquire-on-Change Settings fix.

The VTi21 was responding incorrectly to the acquire on change settings issued by the SA380TX data-logger. This was causing the VTi21 to generate too much data, which the SA380TX was unable to accommodate over the RS485, causing connection drop outs.

This issue has been resolved. Acquire on Change settings over RS485 now behave correctly

Before fix:

After Fix:

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