VTi21 Sensor Tables

VTi21 Sensor Tables

4-20mA Sensor Tables

Part No.

Variant Description


Quantity Description

Value @ 4mA

Value @ 20mA


Suggested AoC

VTI21-VT1AC Vane Relay VariantTorqueInstantaneous Torque Exerted on the relay vane.0+25m.Nm0.2 m.Nm
VTI21-HVIHVI Receiver VariantAverage CurrentAverage HVI Pulsed Current seen by the VTI21 from input channel 1.0600mA15 mA
VTI21-TI21-TXTI21 / EbiTrack 200 Variant (TX)Average CurrentAverage of upper and lower sideband current from VTI21 input channel 1.05A0.05 A
VTI21-TI21-TXTI21 / EbiTrack 200 Variant (RX)Average CurrentAverage of upper and lower sideband current from VTI21 input channel 1.0200mA2 mA
VTI21-FS25FS2500 Receiver VariantCenter CurrentAmplitude of the FS2500 center frequency current from VTI21 input channel 1.01500mA5 mA
VTI21-FS26FS2600 Receiver VariantCenter CurrentAmplitude of the FS2500 center frequency current from VTI21 input channel 1.01500mA5 mA
VTI21-ACSGeneral Purpose AC sensing up to 25A RMSCurrentRMS current from VTI21 input channel 1.025A0.2 A
VTI21-UM71UM71 VariantCurrentCurrent at selected center frequency from VTi21 input channel 1.05000µA100µA
VTI21-ASTERAster VariantCurrentCurrent at selected center frequency from VTi21 input channel 1.05000µA100µA
VTI21-REEDReed Relay VariantCurrentCurrent measured across the Reed relay frequency range on input channel 1.05000mA25mA
VTI21-RFDMReed Relay FDM variantn/anone

RS485 Sensor Tables


Slave Channel



Typical Range


Suggested AoC

1TorqueInstantaneous torque exerted on the relay vane-25 to +25m.Nm0.2 m.Nm
2PhasePhase angle between local coil and control coil currents0 to 180Degrees2 degrees
3Local CurrentRMS current in the local coil0 to 500mA5 mA
4Control CurrentRMS current in the track coil0 to 1000mA5 mA
5ChatterDegree of chatter0 to 100%5 %

VTI21-TI21 / VTI21-FS25 / VTI21-FS26

Slave Channel

VTI21 Input Channel



Typical Range


Suggested AoC



Center FrequencyThe Center frequency, in hertz, of the track circuit.388.8 to 508.8Hz1 Hz
2Center frequency CurrentTotal RMS current at the target center frequency0 to 1000mA5 mA
3Lower Side Band currentTotal RMS current at the target lower side band frequency0 to 1000mA5 mA
4Upper Side Band currentTotal RMS current at the target upper side band frequency0 to 1000mA5 mA
5In Band CurrentTotal RMS current seen by the transducer between 300 to 600 Hz0 to 1000mA5 mA


or Gain

Capture waveform showing the magnitude spectrum of the input signal. Use a "Triggered Capture" to acquire the Spectrogram.

When spectrum data is not being acquired, this channel shows the current amplifier gain setting

4.8 to 1228.8HzNA
7Loudest FrequencyThe strongest frequency, in hertz, observed in the incoming waveform.4.8 to 1228.8Hz1 Hz
8Total CurrentTotal RMS current seen by the transducer.0 to 1000mA5 mA


Center FrequencyThe Center frequency, in hertz, of the track circuit.388.8 to 508.8Hz1 Hz
10Center frequency CurrentTotal RMS current at the target center frequency0 to 1000mA5 mA
11Lower Side Band currentTotal RMS current at the target lower side band frequency0 to 1000mA5 mA
12Upper Side Band currentTotal RMS current at the target upper side band frequency0 to 1000mA5 mA
13In Band CurrentTotal RMS current seen by the transducer between 300 to 600 Hz0 to 1000mA5 mA


or Gain

Capture waveform showing the magnitude spectrum of the input signal. Use a "Triggered Capture" to acquire the Spectrogram.

When spectrum data is not being acquired, this channel shows the current amplifier gain setting

4.8 to 1228.8HzNA
15Loudest FrequencyThe strongest frequency, in hertz, observed in the incoming waveform.4.8 to 1228.8Hz1 Hz
16Total CurrentTotal RMS current seen by the transducer.0 to 1000mA5 mA


Slave Channel

VTI21 Input Channel



Typical Range


Suggested AoC

1 - ANA


HVI FrequencyThe frequency of pulses0 to 5Hz0.1 Hz
2 - ANAHVI CurrentRMS Current of the pulsed waveform0 to 1500mA5 mA
3 - ANANoise CurrentThe RMS current observed between pulses.0 to 1500mA5 mA
4 - DIGPulse ConflictSet TRUE if pulses are observed to be bleeding through from adjacent track sectionsDigitalN/AOn Change
5 - ANARejection RateProportion of pulses deemed not to be genuine HVI pulses0 to 100%Don't push to server - for diagnostic use by Mpec only
6 - ANARejection ReasonBitfield encoding the reason a pulse was not accepted.8 bitsN/A
7- ANASensitivityThreshold used to identify pulse events0 to 2621440N/A
8 - ANAPulse WaveformIf this channel is requested as a capture, the VTi21 will return a high-resolution waveform of the last observed pulse0 to 1500mATriggered Capture
9 - ANA


HVI FrequencyThe frequency of pulses0 to 5Hz0.1 Hz
10 - ANAHVI CurrentRMS Current of the pulsed waveform0 to 1500mA5 mA
11 - ANANoise CurrentThe RMS current observed between pulses.0 to 1500mA5 mA
12 - DIGPulse ConflictSet TRUE if pulses are observed to be bleeding through from adjacent track sectionsDigitalN/AOn Change
13 - ANARejection RateProportion of pulses deemed not to be genuine HVI pulses0 to 100%Don't push to server - for diagnostic use by Mpec only
14 - ANARejection ReasonBitfield encoding the reason a pulse was not accepted.8 bitsN/A
15 - ANASensitivityThreshold used to identify pulse events0 to 2621440N/A
16 - ANAPulse WaveformIf this channel is requested as a capture, the VTi21 will return a high-resolution waveform of the last observed pulse0 to 1500mATriggered Capture


Slave Channel

VTI21 Input Channel



Typical Range


Suggested AoC



CH 1 CurrentRMS current observed on Channel 1 (output at 100 Hz, low pass filtered with cutoff of 9 Hz)0 to 25A0.2 A
2CH 1 Average CurrentAverage RMS current observed on Channel 1, over one second period.0 to 25A0.2 A
32CH 2 Current

RMS current observed on Channel 2 (output at 100 Hz, low pass filtered with cutoff of 9 Hz)

0 to 25A0.2 A
4CH 2 Average CurrentAverage RMS current observed on Channel 2, over one second period.0 to 25A0.2 A


Slave Channel

VTI21 Input Channel



Typical Range


Suggested AoC



CH 1 FrequencyChannel 1 Frequency Selected1700 to 2600Hz1
2CH 1 Side Band RatioRatio of lower to upper frequency (0%=all lower, 100%=all upper)0 to 100%%5
3CH 1 Raw FrequencySimple Frequency Measurement (zero crossings)1600 to 2700Hz100
4CH 1 Total CurrentTotal current in the UM71 band0 to 5mAµA100
5CH 1 current 1700HzCurrent measured at 1700Hz0 to 5mAµA100
6CH 1 current 2000HzCurrent measured at 2000Hz0 to 5mAµA100
7CH 1 current 2300HzCurrent measured at 2300Hz0 to 5mAµA100
8CH 1 current 2600HzCurrent measured at 2600Hz0 to 5mAµA100

CH 1 Spectrogram or Gain

Capture waveform showing the magnitude spectrum of the input signal. Use a "Triggered Capture" to acquire the Spectrogram.

1 to 32


CH 2 FrequencyChannel 1 Frequency Selected1700 to 2600Hz1
11CH 2 Side Band RatioRatio of lower to upper frequency (0%=all lower, 100%=all upper)0 to 100%%5
12CH 2 Raw FrequencySimple Frequency Measurement (zero crossings)1600 to 2700Hz100
13CH 2 Total CurrentTotal current in the UM71 band0 to 5mAµA100
14CH 2 current 1700HzCurrent measured at 1700Hz0 to 5mAµA100
15CH 2 current 2000HzCurrent measured at 2000Hz0 to 5mAµA100
16CH 2 current 2300HzCurrent measured at 2300Hz0 to 5mAµA100
17CH 2 current 2600HzCurrent measured at 2600Hz0 to 5mAµA100

CH 2 Spectrogram or Gain

Capture waveform showing the magnitude spectrum of the input signal. Use a "Triggered Capture" to acquire the Spectrogram.

1 to 32


Slave Channel

VTI21 Input Channel



Typical Range


Suggested AoC



CH 1 FrequencySimple Frequency Measurement (zero crossings)0 to 5000Hz1
2CH 1 Total CurrentTotal current measured in the reed relay frequency range0 to 5000mA10

CH 1 - channel 211

Total Current at 363Hz

0 to 5000mA10

CH 1 - channel 212

Total Current at 366Hz

0 to 5000mA10

CH 1 - channel 213

Total Current at 369Hz

0 to 5000mA10

CH 1 - channel 214

Total Current at 372Hz

0 to 5000mA10

CH 1 - channel 215

Total Current at 375Hz

0 to 5000mA10

CH 1 - channel 216

Total Current at 378Hz

0 to 5000mA10

CH 1 - channel 217

Total Current at 381Hz

0 to 5000mA10

CH 1 - channel 218

Total Current at 384Hz

0 to 5000mA10
11CH 1 - spectrogram / gain

Capture waveform showing the magnitude spectrum of the input signal. Use a "Triggered Capture" to acquire the Spectrogram. note: includes only measured frequencies, which are: 363, 366, 369, 372, 375, 378, 381, 384, 408, 417, 423Hz



CH 2 FrequencySimple Frequency Measurement (zero crossings)0 to 5000Hz1
13CH 2 Total CurrentTotal current measured in the reed relay frequency range0 to 5000mA10

CH 2 - channel 211

Total Current at 363Hz

0 to 5000mA10

CH 2 - channel 212

Total Current at 366Hz

0 to 5000mA10

CH 2 - channel 213

Total Current at 369Hz

0 to 5000mA10

CH 2 - channel 214

Total Current at 372Hz

0 to 5000mA10

CH 2 - channel 215

Total Current at 375Hz

0 to 5000mA10

CH 2 - channel 216

Total Current at 378Hz

0 to 5000mA10

CH 2 - channel 217

Total Current at 381Hz

0 to 5000mA10

CH 2 - channel 218

Total Current at 384Hz

0 to 5000mA10
22CH 2 - spectrogram / gain

Capture waveform showing the magnitude spectrum of the input signal. Use a "Triggered Capture" to acquire the Spectrogram. note: includes only measured frequencies, which are: 363, 366, 369, 372, 375, 378, 381, 384, 408, 417, 423Hz


Slave ChannelVTI21 Input ChannelQuantityDescriptionTypical RangeUnitsSuggested AoC Threshold


Lock-on Frequency Ideal operating frequency track circuit1700 to 2600Hz1
2In-band CurrentRMS current in the operating band0-5000uA50
3Principle FrequencyLoudest frequency observed (actual operating frequency)1700 to 2600Hz1
4Total Currentbroad-and RMS current0-5000uA50
51700 Hz Band CurrentRMS current in the 1700 Hz band0-5000uA50
62000 Hz Band CurrentRMS current in the 1900 Hz band0-5000uA50
72300 Hz Band CurrentRMS current in the 2100 Hz band0-5000uA50
82600 Hz Band CurrentRMS current in the 2300 Hz band0-5000uA50
9Gain / FFTPre-amp Gain as AoC, Spectrogram is acquired as a triggered capture10HzNA


Lock-on Frequency Ideal operating frequency track circuit1700 to 2600Hz1
11In-band CurrentRMS current in the operating band0-5000uA50
12Principle FrequencyLoudest frequency observed (actual operating frequency)1700 to 2600Hz1
13Total Currentbroad-and RMS current0-5000uA50
141700 Hz Band CurrentRMS current in the 1700 Hz band0-5000uA50
152000 Hz Band CurrentRMS current in the 1900 Hz band0-5000uA50
162300 Hz Band CurrentRMS current in the 2100 Hz band0-5000uA50
172600 Hz Band CurrentRMS current in the 2300 Hz band0-5000uA50
118Gain / FFTPre-amp Gain as AoC, Spectrogram is acquired as a triggered capture10HzNA


note: only one input channel is supported.

Slave Channel

VTI21 Input Channel



Typical Range


Suggested AoC



FrequencySimple Frequency Measurement (zero crossings)0-1000Hz50
2Total CurrentTotal current measured in the reed relay frequency range0-5AmA100
3FFTFFT for each monitored Channel
4channel 4Energy at 803.25Hz0-5AmA100
5channel 16Energy at 702.5Hz0-5AmA100
6channel 17Energy at 697.5Hz0-5AmA100
7channel 19Energy at 687Hz0-5AmA100
8channel 20Energy at 682.5Hz0-5AmA100
9channel 26Energy at 611.75Hz0-5AmA100
10channel 27Energy at 607.75Hz0-5AmA100
11channel 36Energy at 505Hz0-5AmA100
12channel 38Energy at 493.5Hz0-5AmA100
13channel 39Energy at 488Hz0-5AmA100
14channel 47Energy at 419.75Hz0-5AmA100
15channel 48Energy at 410.25Hz0-5AmA100
16channel 83Energy at 446Hz0-5AmA100
17channel 84Energy at 533.75Hz0-5AmA100
18channel 92Energy at 842Hz0-5AmA100

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