SA-SSI Configuration

SA-SSI Configuration

The information below is out of date. It is now possible to configure the device directly from centrix. This is now the recommended method.

The following is intended as reference only. It is not advisable that these steps be undertaken without guidance from MPEC or in-depth knowledge of the product.

Incorrect modification of any of the configuration files can result the SA-SSI data logger becoming unresponsive and non-operational.

The configuration on the SSI logger consists of several text files which can be edited on a PC. These need to be extracted from the logger, edited and then reinstated. It is possible to “brick” the logger if these files are edited incorrectly.

Required equipment:

  • Blank USB stick
  • PC (to edit configuration)

Saving configuration to USB

Remove the USB to serial converter and insert the USB stick into the logger.

Navigate to the configuration menu:

Enter the pass code (the default is 12345):

Select “Save Configuration To USB”:

The logger will write the configuration to the USB stick:

When it’s finished, click “OK”

Updating the configuration

The USB stick will contain a folder named config_XXXX where XXXX contains the logger’s serial number:

It will contain several files, as per the example below:

Before editing the configuration, take a backup copy!

When finished, save the file back to the USB stick.

Loading configuration from USB

First insert the USB stick into the logger.

Navigate to the configuration menu:

Enter the pass code (the default is 12345):

Select "Load Configuration From USB":

Confirm loading of the new configuration:

The logger MUST be restarted in order that the new configuration is used.

Wait for the logger to restart.

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