SA-SSI Applications

SA-SSI Applications

Important general considerations

Great care must be taken when adding datalogging to railway signalling systems.

The most serious hazard to be considered is the possibility of feeding out a voltage and current that is sufficient to falsely energise a railway signalling relay.

The second most serious is accidentally providing an electrical path through a logger from one part of the signalling system to another, or to earth.

Analogue and digital inputs of the SA-SSI must never be directly connected to

  • track circuit tails
  • rails
  • BX110/B50/B24 power supplies
  • any other live signalling circuits

SIL 0 software

Software in this product is designed to SIL 0.  It is not a safety critical system and data from an SA380TX must never be used to make safety related decisions.

Solid State Interlocking Monitoring

The SA-SSI is designed primarily for the monitoring of Solid State Interlocking's. Below is a typical wiring diagram for such an application.

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