SA-SSI Hardware

SA-SSI Hardware

The SA-SSI includes the same hardware as a basic SA380TX, that is 10 digital inputs, RS485 and a GSM modem.

Like the SA380TX up to two expansion cards can be added; these cards may either add an additional 4 analogue or 8 digital inputs.

The fundamental difference between an SA-SSI and an SA380TX is the type of system that they are capable of monitoring.

The purpose of an SA-SSI is to monitor Solid State Interlockings through utilisation of its front USB port.

Further information regarding:

  • Block diagram and Isolation Policy
  • Power supply
  • Digital inputs
  • Analogue cards

Can be found here: SA380TX Hardware

Orderable Parts

NR Cat. No.

MPEC Part No.



SA380TX unit generic base loaded with software specifically for the monitoring of SSI trackside data links.

Requires Park Signalling part no’s ST101, ST110 and ST112 (sold separately) to function.


SA380TX unit generic base loaded with software specifically for the monitoring of SSI trackside data links.

Includes 1 of each Park Signalling part no’s ST101, ST110 and ST112.


SA380TX unit generic base loaded with software specifically for the monitoring of SSI trackside data links.

Includes 2 of each Park Signalling part no’s ST101, ST110 and ST112.

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