SA380TX Using the Display

SA380TX Using the Display

To set up a non–linear sensor first navigate to the analogue inputs dialogue. To do this press the highlighted buttons in the sequence below.

The default password to enter the configuration menu of the SA380TX is: 12345

Next navigate to the sensor selection dialogue by pressing the highlighted buttons in the sequence below.

The ‘Analogue Inputs’ menu may appear differently on your SA380TX.

If this is the case then select the next analogue channel that has no sensor type selected for it.


Now select the option to create a new sensor by pressing ‘New’.










Next press the ‘Type Linear’ button.


‘Type a+b*x+c*x^2’ should now be displayed on the button that read ‘Type Linear’.

The menu should now look like the one below:


Enter the following numbers into a, b and c to create the parameters for the non-linear temperature sensor:

a = -110.13

b = 20.961

c = -0.7242

To do this, follow the sequence below.


Once the parameters are entered the display should now look like the one below:


Now set the units to be degrees C by pressing the ‘Units mA’ button, then pressing on the text box, erasing mA and typing C in the dialog box.


After this, name the sensor so that it can be recognised in the sensor type list by pressing ‘Change Name’.

Then enter the new name by pressing the text box and using the keypad on the display, then press ‘Enter’.

If you wish you can also make the display show a number of decimal places for a more accurate representation of the reading.

This can be done the same as the two previous steps, however this time by pressing the ‘Decimals 0’ button then typing in the number of decimals you wish to display.


Once you have set your sensor configuration press the ‘Save’ button to save the sensor. The sensor can then be selected for any of the analogue channels from the ‘Select Sensor’ dialogue, as shown below.


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