Map Designer

Map Designer

Table of Contents

Left Sidebar

The left sidebar in the new designer is similar to the legacy designer and contain three tabs containing a list of channels, asset and custom images for the site.

Each tab has a search field at the top of the list that allows you to narrow down the contents.

If the item you are looking for is not visible in the list it may appear on subsequent pages. At the bottom of the list is a paging toolbar that allows access to other pages.


This tab list all of the digital and analogue channels available on the site, archived channels are not shown.

You can click and drag the channel icon from the list onto the map. For digital channels an coloured indication will be created, for analogue channels a text based indication will be created that shows the current value of the channel. The indications can be edited once on the map.


This tab list assets on the site which have a graphical representation for the map, some of the newer assets do not currently have a graphical representation and will not be present in the list.

You can click and drag the asset icon from the list onto the map.


This tab list custom images that have been uploaded which can be included on the map.

You can click and drag the image icon from the list onto the map. A dialog will be shown where you can specify a caption if required. Once the image is on the map it can be resized by dragging from any of the four corners.

Right Sidebar

The right sidebar in the Playback contains two tabs with corresponding alarm raises lists 'Alarm Raises' and 'SSI Alarms'. 'Alarm Raises' , 'SSI Alarms' and 'info' list on Playback's left side are interconnected. Therefore, scrolling time selector list updates 'Alarm Raises' and 'SSI Alarms' lists.




Drag onto the map to create a new DN/UP indication.

Drag onto the map to create a new grey/white indication.

Drag onto the map to create a new grey/red indication.

Drag onto the map to create a new analog indication.

Drag onto the map to create a new text indication.

Drag onto the map to create a new platform/building.

Drag onto the map to create a new auto signal.

Drag onto the map to create a new caption.

Drag onto the map to create a new site link.

Undo the last operation (CTRL Z).

Redo the last undone operation (CTRL Y).

Remove the selected elements and copy them to the clipboard (CTRL X).

Copy the selected elements to the clipboard (CTRL C).

Insert the elements currently on the clipboard (CTRL V).

Rotate the selected elements anticlockwise (L).

Rotate the selected elements clockwise (R).

Flip the selected elements vertically (Y).
Flip the selected elements horizontally (X).

Remove the selected elements (DELETE).

Move the selected elements backwards. See move element backwards.

Move the selected elements to the back (CTRL B). See move element to the back.

Move the selected elements forwards. See move element forwards.
Move the selected elements to the front (CTRL F). See move element to the front.

Zoom out (-).

Reset Zoom

Zoom in (+).

Toggle the grid (G).

Toggle the map element hit-boxes.

Update the map background colour.

Save the current map and publish it as the current live map.

Save the current map as a draft.

Undo any changes saved since the map was last published.

View the current map in playback (opens in a new tab).

Run the asset generator on the site, this will attempt to generate assets based on the channel names.

See Generate Assets.

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Using the Editor

This section describes how the use the core functionality of the map designer.

Supported Operations

The table below shows which operations are supported for each different object type.

Object TypeResizeRotationHorizontal FlipVertical Flip
Track Circuit(tick)45°(error)(error)
2/3 Aspect Signal(error)45°(tick)(tick)
4 Aspect Signal(error)45°(tick)(tick)
Banner Signal(error)45°(tick)(tick)
Driver's White Light(error)45°(tick)(tick)
Position Light Signal(error)45°(tick)(tick)
Level Crossing Barrier(error)(error)(tick)(error)
Level Crossing Road Lights(error)(error)(error)(error)
Digital Indications(error)(error)(error)(error)
Analogue Indications(error)(error)(error)(error)
Text Indications(error)(error)(error)(error)
Auto Signal(error)45°(tick)(tick)