SA380TX and SA380TX-L Training : Install

SA380TX and SA380TX-L Training : Install

As an outcome of this section of the course, you will:

  • Appreciate where to locate the device

  • Know the recommended way to terminate instrumentation wiring

  • Know the recommended way to terminate power wiring

  • Know the recommended way to terminate RS485 wiring

  • Appreciate antenna placement and cable routing

  • Both SA380TX and SA380TX-L are designed to fit BR930 spec relay racking. Ideally this is where data loggers should be installed.

  • Mpec do however offer a hinged wall bracket to allow installation elsewhere:

  • Some types of older relay rackings will not expose all of the data loggers rear connectors. Be aware.

  • Analogue, Digital and RS485 connections can be extremely long. Hundreds of meters. The supplied power cable and GSM antenna cable are 3 meters long and difficult to extend. Longer cables can be supplied, but bear-in-mind when choosing your data logger location.

Analogue and digital input connections are made using 3.5mm pitch push-fit terminal blocks. As most wire terminations will utilise stranded cable, appropriately sized ferrule crimps should be used.

The most secure connection will be made if a rough-square-ended crimper is used, such as the one shown below.


SA380TX and SA380TX-L power cables are supplied with the connector pre-wired.

Note the following points

  • The supplied cable is 3 meters long

  • Significant outer insulation will likely need to be removed to terminate BX, NX and EARTH connections.

  • The power connector for the SA380TX-L is not designed to be mated live.

  • The EARTH connection of the SA380TX does not require termination

  • The EARTH connection of the SA380TX-L does not require termination, but should be terminated if the installation racking does not provide a low impedance earth connection.

  • It is recommended to use 0.50 mm2 twisted pair cable for this connection, terminated with a ferrule crimp.

  • Wire "A" to "A" and "B" to "B" on all devices.

  • If termination resistors are shown on installation diagrams, ensure they are installed at physical extremes of the RS485 data link.


  • Do not try and shorten antenna cable

  • If the antenna cable is too short. Source a longer cable rather than extending cable.

  • Avoid tight radius bends

The radiation pattern of the supplied antenna is a torus (doughnut) about the horizontal plane.

There is zero reception directly above or below the antenna, there is maximal and even reception around the horizontal plane.

If a high-gain antenna is required, please contact Mpec.

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