Creating a Bookmark

Creating a Bookmark

Bookmarks can be created from a few different places from within Centrix to allow them to be created depending on the current context.

Using a known date/time

  • Click the Bookmarks tab from the main menu
  • Click the Add (plus) button in the bottom left of the screen
  • Enter the details for the bookmark;

    NameName/title of the bookmark (can include a reference to an external tracking system)
    SiteThe site the bookmark relates to
    TimezoneThis will show the timezone of the selected site, the selected date/time should be relative to this timezone
    Start DateThe date/time the incident occurred
    Keep Events +/-How many minutes either side of the Start Date events should be kept for (this is used to ensure Centrix doesn't archive relevant events)
    CommentsAny other comments / notes relative to the bookmark
  • Click Save Changes

Using the current time selected in playback

  • Access the Playback screen for the site you want to create the bookmark for
  • Navigate to the time of the incident (using either the event list or the date/time selector at the top of the screen - see Event Replay for more details)
  • Ensure the Bookmarks widget is visible (click Configure and tick Bookmarks - see Event Replay for more details)
  • Click the Add (plus) button at the bottom of the Bookmarks widget
  • Enter the details for the bookmark;

    NameName/title of the bookmark (can include a reference to an external tracking system)
    Date/TimeThe date/time the incident occurred (this will be auto-populated to the current playback time)
    Keep EventsHow manu minutes either side of the Start Date events should be kept for (this is used to ensure Centrix doesn't archive relevant events)
    CommentsAny other comments / notes relative to the bookmark
  • Click Create Bookmark

Using the time of a raised alert

  • Access the Alerts screen for the site you want to create the bookmark for
  • Open the History dialog for the Alert and locate the occurrence you want to create the bookmark for
  • Click the Bookmark (star) button in the Actions column
  • The Bookmarks screen will open with the details automatically populated (follow the details provided in Using a known date/time above to complete the details)
  • Click Save Changes