Trouble Shooting & Maintenance

Trouble Shooting & Maintenance

Scheduled Maintenance

The S-LX system is designed to be free of scheduled maintenance for its entire service life. No scheduled maintenance regime is required.

Reactive Maintenance

In the rare event of system failure, reactive maintenance may be required to restore the S-LX system to full operation. In the event of system malfunction:

  • Use the troubleshooting guide below to identify the likely cause.

  • Refer to the relevant restorative maintenance instruction found later in this guide

  • If unsuccessful, please contact MPEC Technology Ltd for further support.

    • Telephone: 01332 363 979. Available Monday to Friday 8 AM to 4 PM UK time.

    • Email: support@mpec.co.uk. Response typically within 24 hours.


Symptoms of identified failure modes are listed below. The “probable cause” field lists fault conditions in order of likelihood and should be eliminated in order. The “Remedial Action” column links to fault finding and maintenance task instructions.


Probable Causes

Remedial Action


Probable Causes

Remedial Action

Total Loss of All Function

AC Power Wiring Fault

Test and Replace AC Power Wiring


Replace HZS Module

Total Loss of S-LX compute module

DC Power Wiring Fault

Test and Replace DC Power Wiring


Replace HZS Module

S-LX module hardware Failure

Replace S-LX Compute Module

Intermittent or Total Loss of Serial Communications

RS232 Wiring fault

Test and Correct RS232 Wiring

RS485 Wiring fault

Test and Correct RS485 Wiring

HZS Hardware Failure

Replace HZS module

S-LX hardware Failure

Replace S-LX compute module

Electromagnetic Interference

Screen RS232 Cable

Electromagnetic Interference

Check and Correct Earth Bonding

Intermittent or Total Loss of Ethernet Communications

Ethernet wiring Fault

Test and Correct Ethernet Wiring

S-LX hardware Failure

Replace S-LX compute module

Electromagnetic Interference

Screen Ethernet Cable

Electromagnetic Interference

Check and Correct Earth Bonding

Intermittent or Total Loss of wireless communication

SIM fault

Check Service Provision of SIM

SIM Fault

Replace SIM

Sub-optimal antenna placement

Re-site Antenna

Antenna or Antenna cable damage

Replace Antenna