Fault 1 and Fault 2 cause a voltage to present across both of the SA380-IT inputs. In this scenario the voltage may be as high as the nominal circuit voltage.
The equation for translating the voltage into a resistance reading is shown below.
For Reference, a table is provided at the end of this document to enable the operator to quickly look up a value.
Fault 3 and Fault 4 cause a voltage to present across one of the SA380-IT inputs only. In this scenario, the voltage may be as high as sum of the two circuit voltages.
The equation for translating the voltage into a resistance reading is shown below.
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Fault 3 and Fault 4 cause a larger voltage to be presented to the SA380-IT than Fault 1 and Fault 2. All four faults can also present in any combination, however the voltages presented in the case of Fault 1 and Fault 2 represent a "worst case" Equation 1 should therefore be used for the selection of alert levels and used to inform intervention decisions. The value yielded by equation 1 should there be read as "Resistance greater than or equal to X" Equation 1 also assumes a nominal circuit voltage. A voltage of 11.4 volts has been used to produce the table below. If it is credible that the cell voltage could fall further, yet the circuit remains operable, then a different nominal voltage should be used |
to populate the table. |
Fault Resistance Table