Improved performance when loading the system dashboard.
Virtual loggers were not included in “total” or “connected” counts on the dashboard.
Buttons on the virtual logger page were shown to users who didn’t have the permissions to use them.
Email validation has been enhanced to capture incomplete addresses such as “user@domain” (rather than user@domain.com).
Channels with long names and no spaces did not display correctly on the channel create/edit page.
Channels with long names did not fit into the inspect graph channel list correctly.
Channels with long names caused the “UP to DN” and “DN to UP” to be obscured in playback.
The raw values for time offset calculations from RDAQ loggers are now stored (all values were previously stored as positive).
The TFM graphic was not showing correctly in playback or designer.
The duplicate graph button was not working.
Saving a graph would sometimes not work.
Addendum 100.1 Hotfix Release
Points alarm wizard was not saving the generated thresholds.
Addendum 100.2 Hotfix Release
When viewing a points alarm raise the “Inspect Capture” button redirects to the “Inspect Capture” page but the page did not load the historic traces correctly.
Points alarm wizard was not saving user-overridden thresholds.
Some generated points assets as part of the alarm migration had the incorrect channel type specified for the track relay on the asset.
Error when processing the signal reversion alarms in some cases.