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Inspect Graph
The inspect graph item selectors have been replaced
The new item selectors look like this:
The item selector allows for searching by item name and has full page controls.
New Channels Page
Adobe Flash Player is deprecated and has an official end of life at the end of 2020.
Therefore, any Centrix pages using Flash need to be converted to new pages that don't use Flash.
This includes the Channels List page. This has therefore been replaced with a new Channels page.
Below is a screenshot of the old and the new page respectively. The same information is shown but the new page should be easier to use.
You can view a specific channel in more detail by clicking on the list item. This will take you to a page specific to this channel.
From here you can edit the units of the channel.
The ability to create virtual channels has not yet been ported over to the new page. If you need to create virtual channels, please continue to use the legacy page for this.
The old page can still be found and used but will be removed in the near future.
Date-Time Picker
The Date-Time Picker now has a cancel and save button.
When using a Date Picker, you only need to pick one thing and it therefore automatically applies the change and closes the selector.
However, there are multiple elements to fill in when using a Date-Time Picker and so it cannot know when you are done.
Previously, you applied the change by clicking outside of the selector. It wasn't clear to the user that this is what had to be done.
The save and cancel buttons should make this process clearer.
Note: Clicking outside of the selector now cancels the selection.
Captures List
List Loading Time
Previously, the captures list could take a long time to load, improvements have been made and the list now loads much quicker.
As a result of these changes, the list no longer supports full page controls. Instead, the page controls allow selecting previous page, next page and also show the current page number.
Firmware Management
Centrix now has the ability to remotely update firmware on MPEC loggers which use the RDAQ protocol (a traditional firmware update will be required initially to allow the remote upgrade facility).
This feature will be initially restricted to MPEC technicians but will allow us to support loggers in the field and issue updates as necessary.
Alarm Status List
Last Raise time as well as Last Activated time is now shown in Alarm Status list item collapsed view.
Therefore, when ordering by last raise time, it is obvious that the alarms are being shown in the correct order.
When it only showed the last activating time it sometimes looked like the items were being ordered incorrectly even though they were in fact correct.
Loggers (Legacy) Page removed
Adobe Flash Player is deprecated and has an official end of life at the end of 2020.
Therefore, any Centrix pages using Flash need to be converted to new pages that don't use Flash.
The new Loggers page has been around for some time and contains all of the functionality that the old page had.
Points Asset Page
Hydraulic and Electrically actuated points assets can have their traces split into different regions which can be useful for analysis. See Points Trace Splitting System.
Previously, this was done on the fly, every time a capture trace was loaded, for each capture trace being loaded.
This made certain parts of Centrix slower than they should be. For example, the Points Performance graph on the Points asset page.
New capture traces coming into Centrix will now have these trace split values calculated once when they initially come in. This will allow us to speed up several parts of Centrix in future releases.
This change has also allowed us to means that Centrix can now show the Max (after trace splitting) alarm threshold on the Points Asset page. This alarm threshold is one of the ones created by the Points Alarm Wizard.
Unfortunately, This change has also allowed us to massively speed up the loading of the Histogram and Trend graphs currently don't show any data when this alarm is selected. This will be fixed shortly.on the Asset and Points Alarm Raise pages.
Minor amendments and fixed issues
- Sorting by site on the reports list wasn't working.
- RDAQ logger channels list auto refreshes when the logger sends a new configuration.
- Changed the loading spinner to be more compatible with Internet Explorer.
- Bulk editing of alarm labels wasn't working.
- Could not create new Slave Offline alarms
- Manual toggle alarms were appearing as green instead of red in Health Dashboards when they had expired or were at "FAULT"
- Alarm Labels order by dropdown list was empty
- Sorting by site on reports page caused error
- Unified search input requires at least 3 characters. A message now tells the user this. Previously it looked like the search was broken as nothing happened with less than 3 characters.
- Selecting and editing multiple alarm labels: Save button was broken.
- Inspect Events: Clicking on an analogue or digital event now takes you to the Inspect Graph page with that channel pre selected.