General Principal
Devices are configured by MPEC at manufacture according to the users specification and intended application.
For a new installation, MPEC will process the specific system configuration files provided by the customer and automatically generate a working configuration.
They will connect to the MPEC Centrix server which collates the data collected.
The primary configuration, interrogation and data download interface is provided by the Centrix system.
The S-LX does feature a basic local interface for:
On-site minor configuration changes
On-site detailed status information
On-site real-time data status
Ethernet Interfaces
In installations where the LAN interfaces are unused, MPEC have configured the following:
LAN 1 |
... |
LAN 2 | No Connection |
Diagnostic Interface
Connection to the device configuration and interrogation interface can be made from a web browser browser: http://ip.address.of.device/
The username and password will be provided by MPEC during a support call.
Configuration is ideally performed via Centrix, which can be accessed from any web enabled device including smart phone or tablet. There may however be a need to configure the device locally
Mobile devices not permitted in the equipment building
S-LX unable to connect to Centrix and requires cellular network configuration change
Cellular Network unavailable
Judicial Event Recording
Info |
This is not currently supported. |