SA380TX-L Findlay Irvine Temperature Sensors

SA380TX-L Findlay Irvine Temperature Sensors

The TXL unit can be connected to a Findlay Irvine wireless temperature sensor receiver via RS485. The TXL will log temperature and battery voltage over time for each configured temperature sensor. The logging of EBITrack units is mutually exclusive with the logging of Findlay Irvine temperature sensors, because they they also use the RS485 port.

Wiring Instructions

The wireless receiver is powered by a 24V supply and communicates with the logger using RS485. The SA380 TX-L provides power and RS485 as illustrated on the back panel. The Findlay Irvine wireless receiver may be provided with a similar 4 PIN IMO connector, which on passing inspection can be plugged directly into the SA380 TX-L. Care must be taken to ensure correct wiring, as incorrect wiring may lead to damage to either the data logger or the wireless receiver.

Configuration Guide

First, plug the Findlay Irvine wireless receiver into the RS485 port and, on the main configuration screen (step 1 above), select "Temperature Sensors" (step 2). Then use the panel at the bottom-right to configure each sensor (step 3).

"Send to Server" should be checked for each sensor. The wireless receiver id is usually "08". The sensor id can be found on the label on each sensor unit, e.g. this unit is "74 / 09 / 14":

Finally, set the configuration (step 4 above) and restart the logger using the command tab (steps 5 and 6 below):

Checking the configuration

You can verify that the sensors and the logger are working correctly by viewing the data collected by the logger. Navigate to the historic data tab (step 1 below), select the temperature sensor tab (step 2), and then choose a sensor you have configured (step 3). You can view historic data for both Temperature and Battery Voltage (step 4).

Note that the temperature sensors only transmit data every 5 minutes, so you may have to wait a few minutes for data to become available.

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