)This applies to SA380 units from Mod. State 4 onwards, bearing serial numbers above 4000, manufactured from 2024.
Graphical event playback
Near-real-time monitoring
Customisable fault alarms
Push notifications
Remote configuration and firmware upgrade
Integration with data from other MPEC products
Versions and upgrades
The hardware version number is included in the serial number label on the front of the unit. This is composed of:
A major hardware version, also called a “Mod State”
A minor hardware number, corresponding to MPEC’s Engineering Change Notification (ECN) system
The example shown (right) is thus Mod State 4, with ECN’s applied up to ECN “A”
Older hardware versions may still be used, and upgrades to include the latest ECNs are available from MPEC
The firmware version number can be seen on the “Information” screen https://mpec.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SSD/pages/edit-v2/2548629547#Information , and is also visible on the loggers' page on Centrix.
Units will be initially shipped with firmware version “1982”. We anticipate making firmware upgrades available through Centrix for improved performance and functionality.
Certificates & Approvals
Product-Approved for use on Network Rail infrastructure, and rigorously tested for long-term reliability