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When a capture trace is received by Centrix, multiple processing steps may be applied to it before it is actually saved. 

For all capture traces:

  • 'Zero Stripping' is applied. If any background noise, close to a value of zero, is detected at the start or end of the trace, it is removed.This step is also done on the logger, so in nearly all cases, this step is not required.
  • Events for the analogue Feature Channels are made. There is a channel per direction and a channel for all directions for each of the following:
    • AVE: the average value of the capture trace
    • TOT: the sum of all the values in the capture trace
    • LEN: the length of the capture trace 
    • MAX: the maximum value of the capture trace

For Hydraulic and Electric Points assets, extra processing is carried out:

  • The capture traces are sent to the Points Classifier where they are tagged. 
    • Possible tags that the classifier can set are: UNPROCESSED, NORMAL, ANOMALY and FAULT
  • A subregion of the capture trace is located which represents the most important part of the trace where the points machine is in motion. This region can be used to produce better Alarm Thresholds. Multiple extra values are calculated specific to this region: 
    • starting sample of the subregion
    • end sample of the subregion 
    • average value within the subregion
    • maximum value within the subregion

diagramNameCapture Trace Processing Pipeline